Drag and drop products to your custom basket (left click your mouse on an item and move the item inside the frame of the Gift Basket on the right side, by keeping the left side of the mouse pressed;when you reach inside the frame with the item, remove your finger from the left side of the mouse/stop pressing)

Christmas Ornaments
I Alcoholic Beverages
I Drinks
I Fruits
I Snacks and Sweets
Martisor gifts
Aspirator Westwood
Westwood Vacuum Cleaner $120
Sandwich maker Westwood
Sandwich Maker Westwood $40
Aparat de facut inghetata
Icecream Maker $130
Blender Ciatronic
Blender Ciatronic $40
Cuptor Cu Microunde Daewoo
Microwave Oven Daewoo $130
Aparat de Ras Phillips
Phillips $70
Fier de Calcat Ciatronic
Iron $25
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Timeless Freshness $89

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