1. To order: Find the flower bouquet or the gift basket you wish to purchase Click on “Buy” Add other items to your basket if you like by clicking on “”Buy” Click on “Checkout” You will be asked to enter your data, the receiver’s info, the delivery date and the message on the card Click on “continue to payment” Complete the payment by credit card, debit card, PayPal, MoneyGram or WesternUnion
2. To pay Send Gifts To Romania accepts the following payment methods: • Pay online by credit card / debit card: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover • Pay online through Paypal • Pay through MoneyGram/ Western Union When paying online by credit card or Paypal, the payment is processed instantly.When choosing Western Union or MoneyGram, please allow a few hours for the transfer to be completed, also please e-mail us the transfer code.